Kachi Afudoh

{Software engineer}

Scrum Master . Backend Dev . Digital Marketer

Afudoh kachi

Hello It's Douglas👋🏽

Are you are a lover of Beauty? you are my G already. Add a little care for efficiency and simplicity, and you will win the loyal friendship in me. if you can now play Chess and Fifa, Omor! Bestie Loading... Because, I am a lover of simplicity and an advocate of efficiency

Then we would ascend the hills of SDLC, and we would design great Businesses with Figma. Our Jira board would be so attractive, our users stories would be works of art Delegation and monitoring would become so easy that no one would ever wish to slack Automation and git plugins would make our standups so sweet that our PM would become lazy

Your boy would summon the coding powers of Ryan Dhal and destroy the business logic with Express Dont be scared, you will have a view of the frontend though the lenses of vue. then we would containerize, Deploy, Maintain and Optimize it until you are so impregnated with profits, much more than you ever hoped for.


Imagine what your business stands to gain by working with me!

Soft skills

Hosting meeting, Elevator pitching, User research, Stakeholder Management, Fund raising, Business development

Fullstack[Backend Heavy]

HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Materialize, VUE.JS, Atomic Design, NODE.JS, EXPRESS.JS, MongoDB, Docker, RESTful API, Postman, Jest, API integrations

Other skills

Google SRE in progress, Google cloud associate engineer, Google Digital Marketer, Product Management, Whatsapp chat bot developer


These are my major Large projects

E-commerce landing page

This is a Landing page for displaying Clothes. It has three pages, and each page has a different kind of cloth in display. . It was developed using vue.js without a backend

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Libray application

This is a backend service of a Library shop with token authentication. It allows the user to register, login and perform CRUD library operations. users can only edit and delete the books they added. I developed this Restful app using node.js and MongoDB.

Travelbear travel agency

This is the MVP of a travel ageny travelbear. it is a joint product of my internship team at genesys tech hub Enugu. I developed the backend using express.js and hosted it on heroku free tier. It has three users, the admin, the landlords who lease their appartmetns and the users who book these apartments. while the frontend was developed with react and hosted on netlify.

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Get In Touch

I'd love if you reached out to me. Even if it's just to say "Hey!". Don't hesitate! Drop me a line and I’ll get back to you ASAP!